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Leading Literacy Impact Masterclass
What to expect in this course (4:20)
Module 1: Foundations for Improvement
Foundations for Improvement Lecture (29:50)
Module 2: Establishing a baseline
Establishing a Baseline Lecture (10:28)
Module 3: Data Informed Practice
Workbook and Resources
Data informed Practice and Effective use of Dibels Lectures (99:58)
Module 4: High Impact Approaches
High expectations (16:06)
Visible Learning (19:59)
Daily Review (15:47)
Explicit Instruction (20:14)
Module 5: Literacy Approaches that make the greatest impact
Workbook and Resources
Introduction to the Science of Reading (10:24)
Oral Language (25:52)
Phonemic Awareness and Phonics (110:39)
Vocabulary (66:30)
Fluency (38:04)
Language and Reading Comprehension (96:55)
Cognitive Load Theory and Working Memory (50:21)
Writing instruction (75:31)
Implementing a SOR aligned Literacy Block Live Webinar Powerpoint
Module 6: School-Wide Impact in Literacy
Toolkit of documents
School-wide Impact (59:51)
Module 7: Prevention and Intervention
Workbook and Toolkit for implementing RTI in schools
Response to Intervention: Introduction (10:11)
Response to Intervention Lecture (71:13)
Module 8: Road Map for Action
Road Map for Action Lecture (42:55)
Module 9: Sustaining Momentum
Workbook and GROWTH Coaching Powerpoint
Sustaining Momentum Lecture (34:53)
Module 10: Creating Community
Creating Community Lecture (22:42)
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